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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University

Destination for the shining future
VNSGU offers Research, PG, Integrated,UG, and Cerificate Programs

Veer Narmad South Gujarat University

The motto is “सत्यम् ज्ञानम् अनन्तम्”, which means “Truth, Knowledge, Infinity”.
The three-part emblem illustrates this with the Sun representing truth, the star representing knowledge and the spiral representing infinity.

Result and Hall Ticket

Students may get their results and hall ticket from here


Internal Quality Assurance Cell

University Library

Reference Books, Journals, Periodicals, Thesis, Dissertations, e-Resources etc.

From the Vice Chancellor's Desk

I feel elated to welcome all the young and dynamic aspirants into the temple of learning.It is a matter of great pleasure for me to bring innovative techno savvy cognition and inventions to face new challenges in the coming years. In the world of technology and digital edge, we wish to provide a sense of development, commitment and values in the field of education through new horizon and dynamism. We seek to give highly oriented dimension to education through the acceleration of new programs and innovative applications in the international arena as well as to move forward to make education dynamic by engaging all stakeholders with confidence to reach the desired goal with all efforts for research and developmental action. The aim is to endeavor for ICT-enabled education and integration of ethical values in life, to promote cultural and social impact, analytical skills, team spirit and leadership skills to the students to help them make path of their career easier as well as to face life’s challenges. In contemporary competitive time of higher education we want to turn challenges into opportunities for future perspective. New experiences will shape creative ways of learning paradigms for e-learning with virtual e-connect environment. New learning outcomes will bring new hopes, aspiration, innovation, passion and positive mindset to frame colorful page in life full of knowledge and learning. read more..


Events & Seminars

Student Corner

VNSGU Virtual Tour 

Our Achievers



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